Here is where we hope to answer some of those frequently asked questions that we get!

Q:  Does the league split teams up from B and C level?
A:  The short answer is no.  The HOI tries to place teams in divisions based on geography.  We will also attempt to put teams together based on competition where applicable.  We have created different brackets this year for the HOI World Series.  This should give greater competition based on seedings (in-season record) for our post season.  The HOI reserves the right to remove a team or place them in a proper bracket if we feel teams are losing on purpose to get into an easier bracket.

Q:  Are games played on certain days or locations?
A:  No.  The HOI provides teams with scheduling in which they must play against.  Those teams will then, at their convivence, schedule teams.  They are on their own for fields and dates of games.  Games must be scheduled before the end of season deadline though.

Q: What does the cost of the league cover?
A:  This league is extremely costly to run.  Costs for the league cover all the awards given out, fields for the HOI World Series, Umpires for the HOI World Series and All Star Games.

Q: How are All Stars chosen?
A:  TBD.  In the past, the opposing team would pick the all star of the game and place a vote.  Recently the board would pick the All Star.  We are currently looking into what direction we will be moving to.

More coming soon.