
Welcome to the Heart of Illinois Softball League. The goal of our league is to encourage good sportsmanship both on and off of the field and teamwork while expanding the skills of the girls and introducing them to fellow players in our area.

Founded by John Feagin in 2019, the league has rapidly grown helping build completive softball and bringing one of the biggest fastpitch softball tournaments to Illinois. There is no league in Central IL that offer what we offer to the young softball players in the area.

Our league offers flexibility. We allow you to schedule your double headers at your convivence. We don’t have set game days, times, or locations. You receive your opponents you need to schedule and a deadline before for your last games. You then get seeded into a massive double elimination softball tournament. This year our tournament was held at Champion Fields in Normal, IL!

The cost to join covers patched USA umpires during our tournament, all star awards, all star shirts, rings for the tournament and more. We have a coaches meeting for easier scheduling and to go over HOI Rules.

President – Eric Hawkins
Vice President – Nick Bridges
Rules Director – Austin Meeks
Umpire Director – Jeff Keller
8U Commissioner – Ben Carlesten
10U AL Commissioner – Chris Kilpatrick
10U NL Commissioner – Monica Kilpatrick
12U AL Commissioner – Tom Campbell
12U NL Commissioner – Leanne Giles
14U AL Commissioner – Eric Hawkins
14U NL Commissioner – Heather Kloster
HS Commissioner – Brittany Johnson
Website: Nick Bridges